Inside AppearanceCustomize path you can change almost everything on your site. All that with real-time website preview showing your changes without page reload. From font styles to the page layout. Easily change or adjust primary font and color, page layout, menus or disable unwanted theme functionalities.

The theme options are conveniently spread over a number of tabs and each tab contains the options that pertain to a particular area of the theme. We’re going to cover some of the most important options here.

Custom CSS

This section is intended for front end developers. VisualsCustom CSS section enables you to customize your site beyond theme options. Learning CSS is easy as it is not an advanced programming language. Most of the style customization can be achieved with CSS.

Using tools like FireBug or browser native developer tools will help you to search for the CSS rulesets, which you can change to your liking and paste the CSS code to the custom CSS section of theme options. There are many resources for learning CSS on the web. You can start here: CSS | Mozilla Developer Network.


Resources are the main functionality of the Chipmunk theme as it lets you curate the content you want. That’s why we made sure that it can be highly customizable and adjusted to your needs.

By default, the theme is counting the unique views for each resource so we can decide what’s popular among your users. There’s an option to disable that. You can also disable the “Featured” panel from the homepage if you don’t need that.

There’s a couple of options to customize the look of resource tiles as well. You can hide it’s descriptions or change how many of them are displayed per page.


You can allow your users to submit quality content for your review. There’s a bunch of options to customize that functionality as well. You can find them by going to Submissions section in Customize panel.

Social Media Profiles

Link your social media profiles to icons on your pages so users can keep up to date with your other social platforms.

Go to Social Profiles section and input the your social media profile links to the corresponding name. Make sure you include https:// before the link. You can choose from various of profile but you can leave some of them empty and they won’t be displayed on the site.


Chipmunk comes with support for custom banner ads as well as third-party ad blocks like Google Adsense. You can customize your advertisement in the Ads section of WordPress Customization options.

There are 2 types of ads to choose from. You can either display standard banner image and link it to a website of your choice or input HTML code generated by third-party vendors. You can also disable ads totally or display them only on your site’s homepage.


Build your audience from day one with our Newsletter support. All you need to do to set things up is to find your form action URL. We support Mailchimp, ConvertKit and AWeber, but you can easily adjust the form for other providers as well.

Translating the Theme

Chipmunk theme is localized out of the box and include default .po and .mo files. These are the files that you can use to easily translate a theme using Poedit. You can also use any one of the translation plugins available from to help you in the translation process.